20 CUTE NAMES TO CALL YOUR GIRLFRIEND 20 Cute names to call your girlfriend Sweet names for partners are nothing new; couples have been doing it forever! Most sweet names are complimentary, some are a bit silly and others are just plain daft, but it beats calling your girlfriend Mrs Smith all the time. Here are twenty names that you might want to call your girlfriend, not including the names that you call her when you see the joint credit card statement! 1. Gorgeous Let’s play it safe to begin with. It’s a bit old hat, but no girl can take offence at being called gorgeous, so it’s a good place to start. 2. Cutie pie Cutie pie is another one of cute names to call your girlfriend. We’re still on safe ground here. Telling a girl that she is a Cutie pie, she looks attractive, even first thing in the morning when, quite frankly, she doesn’t, will always earn you some points. 3. Darling You can’t really go...